“When we take our gaze off the celebrity pastors (practical dramatists) and the ministry pundits (theoretical dramatists) and we fix our eyes once again on Jesus, we’ll discover a spiritual leader with the wisdom to focus on the only drama that really matters. Jesus lived and served from a soul at one with the Father and an identity secure in his love. From this inner place he drew the strength to do might works (drama of the practical) and teach profound truths (drama of the theoretical), but more importantly he found the courage to endure outward failure, ridicule, and abandonment. The drama of the eternal, his inner communion with his Father, defined and determined the outward drama of his life. Unfortunately, too many of us in ministry have it the other way around.”Skye Jethani, Out of Ur: Three Dramas that Drive Us, 1-30-2009 

In the current growing spiritual debate over form and theory of the church in a post-christian culture, the above quote from an article by Skye Jethani, managing editor of Leadership Journal and Teaching Pastor of Blanchard Alliance Church in Wheaton, Iliinois,  sound a trumpets call from eternity for us to pause and evaluate the source of all our doing and thinking.  If you are involved in ministry or thinking about it, this is a must read.  You can find the entire article <HERE.>

Jesus was so secure in the Father that He only did what He saw the Father doing.  Ask yourself, “Is the Father doing what you are doing?”  We have been entrusted with the work of the Kingdom.  Our primary job is to see the Father and what He’s doing, then do what He’s doing.  We are in such a frenzy doing good and great things for God.  But, I would ask “Do you know you are doing what the Father is doing?”  Many would say, “I’m not sure.”

While many theorist debate over the changing and new forms of how to do church, God is calling all of us back to Him.  He is the only one who can bring peace to the drama that swirls around the challenges we face to be the church.  “In Him we live and move and have our being.”

Do you hear and see  Him or are you too busy doing?  Pause!