This is what the Lord God says: I, myself, will search for my sheep and take care of them.   Ezekiel 34:11

When my middle son was in 1st grade he was in a play at school. All of my family came to see him. We decided to all go to lunch afterwards at a cafe down the street. We all got into our cars and headed to lunch. When we arrived and began to all gather from our cars we realize Jonathan was missing. Each of us thought the other had gotten him. In a frantic rush I went back to the school to get him. I searched and searched until I found him. Luckily he was safe in the office unaware that anything was wrong. But my mind had thought of all the dangers and things that could have happened to him.

In the parable of the ninety-nine and one sheep, Jesus leaves the ninety-nine to go look for the one. It is apparent that the one decided to wander off and Jesus has concern for him. The other sheep are safe in the fold, but outside lurk dangers that the one does not realize. Jesus goes to get him and brings him to safety.

Ezekiel prophecies that the Father will search for His sheep and take care of them. It is interesting that it’s His sheep that get lost, not lost to Him, but lost and unaware. Even as God’s sheep, we have a tendency to wander. We are easily fascinated by things that lead us astray. We seem to be acutely unaware of the dangers around us. We have a false sense of confidence with our surroundings. Our dependency on the Shepherd seems to fad but His commitment to us is unfailing. Our safety, protection, and provision is with the Father.

Take a moment to see if you have wandered off in any area of your life. Have you exposed yourself to danger by your leaving the Father’s presence? Resist pride, even His sheep wander. If you have, call out to Him – He will hear you. Listen for Him – His sheep know His voice.

Suggested Longer Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-16


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