
Leading with clarity…

The ability to lead has so much to do with communication.  The lack of clear communication creates confusion and insecurity.  I recently realized a habit I have that was creating confusion in leadership.  After a conversation with one of my leaders on the phone, my wife pointed out to me that I have a habit in my communication that may be sending unclear signals to those I have expectation of.  It's a two letter word [...]

By |2008-05-01T15:18:29-05:00May 1st, 2008|Leadership|1 Comment

Feed me…

For about 230 US dollars you don't ever have to leave your high chair.  Theoretically, you'd never have to leave the chair - just keep adjusting it to fit you. That sounds ridiculous doesn't it. My point is, there comes a time when you move from the high chair to the table.  And, there is a time when you move from being dependant on someone to feed you to being able to take responsibility for [...]

By |2017-03-20T08:36:06-05:00April 24th, 2008|Leadership|2 Comments

Leadership (pt.2) Will you go the distance?

What makes for longevity in ministry?  I read a figure yesterday, that 1500 ministers a month drop out of ministry.  Why? If you are a minister thinking about quiting, please listen.  If you are in ministry, listen.  If you are in a church and are being ministered to, please listen.  I want to share the secret with you. Ministry cannot be founded on a love for people no more than a marriage can last on [...]

By |2017-03-20T08:36:07-05:00April 22nd, 2008|Leadership|2 Comments

Qualities of people you entrust leadership to (pt.1)…

I want my leaders to do great things for God.  I want them to have an impact in the lives of people.  The Bible describles where this greatness comes from in Matthew 20:26b. (msg) "Whoever wants to become great must become a servant." The Apostle Peter said we each have received a special gift from the Lord and that we should use it in serving one another as those who have received God's grace. (1 Peter [...]

By |2008-04-13T22:31:50-05:00April 13th, 2008|Leadership|Comments Off on Qualities of people you entrust leadership to (pt.1)…

Why we do this…

This is the kind of stuff that makes it worth it.  Today I performed a wedding ceremony for a couple who came to me and said they finally realized that they could not walk in God's full blessing unless they quit living together and got married.  They realized God could not bless disobedience.  But that was not the best thing.  They both wanted to commit their lives to Christ and be baptized.  So we had [...]

By |2008-03-05T22:11:16-05:00March 5th, 2008|Church, Leadership, Relationships|2 Comments
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